Storm Forming In Destin Florida on a Pretty White Beach

Black and White Photo Winding Road in Eucalyptus Trees.

Aspen Trees In Full Color Change In Colorado

Winding Road and Bridge and Eucalyptus Trees

Williams Fork Reservoir Colorado Eastern Rockies Corridor United States

Arches Bridge near Possum kingdom Lake Dam Texas

Arches Bridge near Possum Kingdom Lake Dam Texas. Black and White Photo

Merit Cemetery Texas, Haunted with a Breathing of a large Sounding Dog

Ennis Texas Blue Bonnets

Rain in the Mountains of Colorado

So much dust in the air, made a pretty reflection on the water

4 Seconds of Beauty the Sun Gave . This Photo is called " The Heavens Lit "

Horace Caldwell Pier in Port Aransas at night

Early Morning on Ranch with a Old Fence

Santa Rosa Beach Florida Beach Grass and White Sand

Old Windmill found in Texas " The Cloud Mill "

" The Bird Boat "

The Old and the New

The Old Glass Insulators on old Telephone Pole

The Lady in the sky

" Gods House "

" The Cool Building "

" Wheres The End ? "

Once an old Train Tunnel now is a Bat Tunnel

Outside of Alpine Texas winter glow of white grass

The Man with Windmills only in Texas

South Lake Farmersville Texas

Black and White Photo of Small lake in Farmersville Texas

Fall color of Aspen Trees in Colorado

Moon with Red Sky

Camel Rock New Mexico

Monahans State Park Top of the sand dune and tilting the camera for a artsy look

Monahans State Park Texas

James Dean Art at the Reata Ranch , Texas

Elizabeth Taylor Art in the Reata Ranch Texas

Elizabeth Taylor Art at the Reata Ranch Texas Black and White Photo

West of Marfa Texas open vista

The Stand of Trees and reflection in water

Saguaro Cactus with Nancy

" The Tree "

When Fishing is best Lake Lavon Texas

Port -A Texas Three People on the horizon

South Lake Texas " The Post "

Before The Storm in Colorado

Puffing Rock

Monahans State Park in West Texas. That Day the Clouds were intense and Dark Blue. Wind Drifted Sand and Sun highlights, looked cool with the Sky.

Tyler State Park In East Texas with fall colors

Muleshoe Bend State Park with Bluebonnet Flowers Texas U.S.A.

Sand Lines and Waves before darkness Padre Island, Texas

Bluebonnet House in Marble Falls , Texas at Dusk